Our chapter actively sponsors many events and competitions to recognize our local students and civic leaders for their contributions to our community.
For more information on the contests described below, please visit the National Society DAR Sitemap where you will find links to the Essay Contests, Youth Programs, Scholarship Programs, including the DAR Good Citizen Award, and Patriotic Awards. Please contact us if would like to learn more about our Chapter sponsored community programs.
Chapter Community Programs
Each year Fort Stanwix Chapter awards prizes in the DAR Good Citizen Contest. Area high schools nominate a member of the senior class who then writes a competitive essay. Prizes are awarded on the basis of the senior's essay, academic record, activities, and recommendations. The first place winner moves on for further consideration at state and national levels.
The JROTC Bronze Medal
Each year Fort Stanwix Chapter Awards the DAR Junior ROTC Bronze Medal to an RFA Junior or Senior, chosen by the Commanding Officer of the AF JROTC Unit, who exemplifies the characteristics of loyalty and patriotism and who has earned a record of military and scholastic achievement.